
Showing posts from January, 2024

Key differences between weight loss and liposuction surgery

Can’t decide between weight loss surgery and liposuction? Find out the results you can expect from each via the best liposuction doctor in South Kolkata. Key differences between weight loss and liposuction surgery Embracing a healthier, more confident self often involves exploring diverse avenues of body transformation. In this regard, two options that stand out from the rest are weight loss surgery and liposuction. While the final goal of both weight loss surgery and liposuction is re-sculpting the body, there are some differences between the two that you should know about. To assist you, the best liposuction doctor in South Kolkata has stated the key differences between each procedure.  Weight loss surgery Those who are obese and suffer from related health issues can opt for weight loss surgery, which is commonly known as bariatric surgery. Some of the common procedures here include gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. These surgeries have a u

Myths vs facts of body contouring surgery

There are several misconceptions about body contouring surgery. Read on to know more. Myths vs facts of body contouring surgery For individuals looking for a refined and sculpted physique, body contouring surgery is a viable solution. However, several misconceptions surround this procedure. Below, a reputed plastic surgeon has debunked the common myths about body contouring surgery. Myths around body contouring surgery Body contouring surgery is only a suitable solution for weight loss patients Body contouring surgery is not solely intended for individuals who undergo significant weight loss. It is often considered as an effective solution for people who have lost a substantial amount of weight. However, it can also be a beneficial procedure for those who struggle with stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet. Body contouring gives you instant and permanent results Recovery from body contouring surgery is a gradual and steady process. Hence, it will take weeks

Key benefits of laser scar treatment

Get to know the benefits of laser scar treatment from the best facial surgeon in South Kolkata. Key benefits of laser scar treatment Scars from acne or injuries can have a lasting mark on your skin and confidence. Advancements in dermatological technologies have made the way for laser scar treatments. The treatment is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness in reducing scars and promoting healthier, smoother skin. Learn more about the top benefits of laser scar treatment from the best facial surgeon in Kolkata . Advantages of laser scar treatment Precise and targeted treatment: One of the main benefits of laser scar treatment is its precision. Lasers can be designed to target specific areas on the skin, enabling dermatologists to focus on the scar tissue without affecting the surrounding skin. This minimizes the risk of side effects and offers effective results. Collagen stimulation for healing: Laser scar treatment stimulates collagen production, a significant protein vital for

Role of vaginoplasty in male-to-female surgery

Vaginoplasty in male-to-female surgery helps one attain their desired gender identity. Learn more from the doctors of the best aesthetic clinic in Kolkata . Role of vaginoplasty in male-to-female surgery Vaginoplasty in male-to-female surgery is a transformative procedure for those wanting to transition their gender identity from a man to a woman. Get to know more about this surgery from the doctors of the best aesthetic clinic in Kolkata . What is vaginoplasty? As per the top male to female surgery specialists , it is a surgery that involves the reconstruction or construction of a vagina. This enables doctors to create a surgically crafted vaginal canal and neovagina that aligns with the patient’s desired gender identity.  The objective of vaginoplasty in male-to-female surgery The main aim of vaginoplasty in male-to-female surgery is to create a functional neovagina. This involves the construction of the vaginal canal but also consideration of nearby external organs to provide a femi

5 facial areas that can be enhanced with fillers

Know about the 5 facial areas that can be enhanced with fillers from the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata. 5 facial areas that can be enhanced with fillers Many people turn to cosmetic treatments like fillers to enhance their facial areas and rejuvenate their appearance. Fillers help to restore volume, soften wrinkles and create a more youthful look. Learn more about 5 facial areas that can be improved with fillers from the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata . 5 areas on the face that can benefit from fillers Cheeks: While ageing, that natural fat padding in the cheeks starts losing its volume, resulting in a tired and sunken appearance. Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid that can be injected into the cheeks to restore contour and fullness. This lifts the mid part of the face while balancing your facial features.  Under-eye hollows: Hollows or dark circles under the eyes can make one look aged. Dermal fillers work effectively in the area to reduce the appearance of your under eye circl

Facts about 360 degree liposuction surgery

360 degree liposuction surgery is a form of body contouring surgery. Learn more about it from the best fat grafting doctor in Kolkata . Facts about 360 degree liposuction surgery 360 degree liposuction surgery is a procedure that offers a comprehensive approach to body contouring. It promises a slender silhouette by sculpting the body and targeting problem areas. Learn more about this procedure from the best fat grafting doctor in Kolkata . Things to know about 360 degree liposuction surgery Complete circumference sculpting: In comparison to traditional liposuction surgery, 360-degree liposuction offers a full-circle approach. Through the procedure, surgeons usually target the abdomen, thighs and back to ensure a balanced contour from all sides. This makes it a unique procedure as it addresses the whole body instead of isolated pockets of fat. Advanced minimally invasive technique: With the evolution of liposuction, new procedures like ultrasound and laser-assisted liposuction have sur

Reasons to get a body contouring surgery

Body contouring surgery helps one achieve their desired body shape. Learn the reasons to get this procedure from the top aesthetic surgeon in Kolkata . Reasons to get a body contouring surgery Body contouring surgery is a transformative surgery that enables one to get their desired body shape by tightening loose skin, removing excess fat and enhancing contours. The top aesthetic surgeon in Kolkata has discussed some of the reasons to get a body contouring surgery. Why should one get body contouring surgery? Weight loss transformation: After weight loss, either through exercise, diet or bariatric surgery, excess skin remains, which prevents one from having a toned appearance. Body contouring surgery like thigh lifts, arm lifts and tummy tuck helps remove sagging skin and achieve a proportionate body shape, enabling individuals to gain the best out of their weight loss. Enhanced body proportions: Some individuals have stubborn fat deposits in certain areas of their body that are resis

Rhinoplasty: Purpose and Procedure

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure for the nose to enhance its appearance. Learn its purpose from the  top aesthetic surgeon in Kolkata. Rhinoplasty: Purpose and Procedure Rhinoplasty or nose job refers to a surgical procedure done to alter the shape and size of the nose. It is not only associated with cosmetic enhancements but also serves some functional purposes like correcting breathing issues and nose injuries. Find out more about the procedure and its purpose from the   top aesthetic surgeon in Kolkata . The Purpose of Rhinoplasty Cosmetic enhancement: One of the main reasons why individuals go for rhinoplasty is to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the nose. People opt for this procedure to increase or reduce the size of the nose, reshape their nasal tip, narrow their nostril width, correct symmetry, and smoothen bumps or depression on their nasal bridge.   Functional improvement: Apart from cosmetic enhancements,  rhinoplasty surgery   can also correct certain structural is

What to expect from a labiaplasty procedure?

Labiaplasty is done to reduce the size of the labia minora. Get to know what to expect from the best doctor specializing in female genital surgery in Kolkata . What to expect from a labiaplasty procedure? Labiaplasty refers to a surgical procedure that aims to alter the size as well as the shape of the labia minora, the folds of the skin that surround the vaginal opening. Women might consider this procedure to address their aesthetic concerns and reduce excess labial tissue. Learn what you can expect from labiaplasty, the female genital surgery .  How is a labiaplasty done? The procedure of labiaplasty is generally performed under local anesthesia. The type of surgery done will depend on one’s individual anatomy and desired outcomes.  As per the doctor specializing in the best aesthetic treatment in Kolkata , the procedure is usually done by trimming the excess tissue, reshaping the labia or reducing the size to achieve an aesthetically pleasing experience.  What is the recovery period