
Showing posts from June, 2024

The benefits of P shot treatment

The P-Shot is a cutting-edge treatment gaining popularity among men wanting to enhance their sexual health. The P-Shot uses the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate and improve erectile function. Here, a doctor specializing in P-Shot treatment in Kolkata has discussed regarding this innovative procedure. What is the P-Shot? The P-Shot refers to a non-surgical procedure that involves extracting a small amount of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets and then injecting the platelet-rich plasma into specific areas of the penis. The growth factors in PRP stimulate tissue regeneration and increased blood flow, which can enhance erectile function and sexual performance. Benefits of the P-Shot Enhanced Erectile Function : One of the main benefits of the P-Shot is its ability to improve erectile function. Many men experience stronger and more sustainable erections after the treatment. The PRP stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and improves

How do botox and fillers rejuvenate your appearance?

  Botox and dermal fillers are two of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments for facial rejuvenation . While both are designed to enhance appearance and combat signs of ageing, they work in distinct ways. Know how these treatments rejuvenate your appearance, their benefits and what to expect from the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata .  Botox Botox is a neurotoxin that relaxes muscles temporarily. It is mostly effective on dynamic wrinkles, which are caused due to repeated facial movements like smiling and frowning. Common areas treated with Botox include: Forehead Lines : Horizontal lines that form when you raise the eyebrows. Crow's Feet : Wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes caused by smiling or squinting. By injecting small amounts of Botox into the muscles, the treatment relaxes these muscles while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming. The effects last three to six months after which the treatment can be repeated. Botox not o

Is liposuction only for overweight people?

  Liposuction, a popular cosmetic surgery, is a procedure exclusively for overweight individuals. However, this perception is a misconception. Liposuction is not solely for those who are overweight but is rather a versatile surgery for body contouring and fat removal for various body types. Below, the best liposuction doctor in Kolkata has given a detailed look at who can benefit from liposuction and its intended purpose. Understanding Liposuction Liposuction is designed to remove fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It involves the elimination of fat from specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms and neck. The main goal of liposuction is to improve the body contours and proportions, not necessarily to achieve significant weight loss. Candidates for Liposuction Normal Weight Individuals : Many liposuction candidates are of normal weight but struggle with stubborn fat pockets that do not respond to usual weight loss methods. These individuals seek liposuct

How to prepare for a Stapler Circumcision Surgery?

  Preparing for a stapler circumcision surgery, particularly using the ZSR technique, involves several steps to ensure a smooth procedure and recovery. The ZSR circumcision is a modern, minimally invasive technique that uses a specialized device to remove the foreskin quickly and efficiently. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for this surgery by a doctor offering ZSR circumcision in Kolkata . A Guide on Preparing for Stapler Circumcision Surgery Understand the Procedure: ZSR circumcision involves the use of a stapler that simultaneously cuts the foreskin and seals the wound with staples, resulting in minimal bleeding and a quick recovery time compared to traditional methods. Consultation with Your Surgeon: Schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in ZSR circumcision. During this consultation, discuss your medical history, current medications and any allergies. This information helps the surgeon plan the procedure safely. Be sure to ask quest

Procedures involved in a mommy makeover surgery

A mommy makeover refers to a comprehensive cosmetic surgery designed to help women restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. This procedure addresses common post-pregnancy body concerns, like sagging breasts, excess abdominal skin and stubborn fat deposits. Here, the best plastic surgeon specializing in mommy makeover surgery in Kolkata has offered a detailed overview for those considering this procedure. Common procedures involved in a mommy makeover surgery Breast Surgery: Breast surgery is often a core component of a mommy makeover. Depending on the patient's needs, this may involve a breast lift, breast augmentation or a combination of both. Breast Lift : This procedure corrects sagging breasts by eliminating excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. It lifts and firms the breasts, providing a more youthful contour. Breast Augmentation : For those looking to restore volume lost after breastfeeding, breast implants or fat transfer can be used to enhance size and shape. Comb

5 key advantages of gynecomastia surgery (male boob reduction)

Gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of male breast tissue. The condition can cause significant physical discomfort. Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction surgery offers an effective solution to this issue. Below, the best gynecomastia surgeon in Kolkata has discussed the five key advantages of undergoing gynecomastia surgery. Advantages of gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction surgery) Improved Physical Appearance: One of the most immediate benefits of gynecomastia surgery is the enhancement of physical appearance. The procedure involves removing excess breast tissue and fat, resulting in a flatter, more masculine chest contour. This change can significantly boost self-confidence and body image, allowing men to feel more comfortable in their bodies.  Enhanced Self-Esteem and Confidence: Post-surgery, many men experience a significant improvement in their self-esteem and confidence. The reduction in chest size can eliminate the psychological burden associated with gy

Facts about breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure aimed at reducing the size and weight of large breasts. This surgery can improve the quality of life for many women and some men. Here are some key facts about breast reduction surgery that patients might find helpful. Below, the best breast reduction surgeon in Kolkata has discussed them.  Common facts regarding breast reduction surgery Medical and Aesthetic Benefits: Breast reduction surgery offers both medical and aesthetic benefits. Medically, it can relieve chronic back, neck and shoulder pain, irritation under the breasts and postural problems. Aesthetically, it can lead to a more proportional body shape and improved self-esteem. Many patients report a significant increase in their ability to engage in physical activities post-surgery.  Procedure Overview: During the surgery, excess breast tissue and fat are removed in order to achieve a breast size that is proportionate to the patient's body. The surgeon will reposition the areola a