A comprehensive guide to P-shot treatment

best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata

The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus Shot, is a minimally invasive procedure for males that uses platelet-rich plasma therapy to improve men’s sexual function and performance. Here, the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata has explained the procedure in detail. 

How does the P-shot work?

The P-Shot works by using the properties of PRP to improve blood flow and growth of tissues in the penis. In this procedure, a small amount of blood is extracted from the patient. The platelets are then separated from the plasma. They are then mixed with a solution containing calcium chloride, which makes them active. Following this, the activated platelets are injected into specific areas of the penis using a small needle. This is done to encourage tissue healing, boost blood flow, and enhance overall sexual function. The whole process takes about 30 minutes and is done with local anaesthesia to make it as comfortable as possible for the patient.

What are the benefits of the P-shot?

Some of the potential advantages of the P-Shot treatment have been discussed below: 

  • Improved erectile function: One significant advantage is the improvement in erectile function. By employing PRP therapy, the treatment stimulates tissue regeneration and enhances blood flow to the penis. This, in turn, may contribute to a more effective ability to achieve and sustain erections.
  • Increased penis size: While the P-Shot is not primarily designed for penis enlargement, it may lead to an increase in size for some individuals. It is essential to note that the primary goal of the P-Shot is to address overall sexual function rather than focusing on size enhancement.
  • Improved sensitivity and pleasure: This treatment has been associated with improved sensitivity and pleasure during sexual activity. By increasing the flow of blood and fastening the growth of tissues in the penis, it contributes to an enhancement of the sexual experience. 

These combined benefits make the P-Shot a sought-after option for men seeking to address various aspects of sexual health and performance.

If you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction or are dissatisfied with your poor sexual performance, reach out to the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata to know whether this surgery is right for you. 


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