Five facts about breast reduction surgery

The size of an individual's breast may change due to a number of reasons. The procedure of breast reduction surgery involves removing skin, fat and tissue from the breasts. For individuals with sizable breasts, breast reduction surgery is considered to ease discomfort and enhance appearance. In some cases, it may aid in self-image improvement.

The top breast reduction surgeon in Kolkata tells us a few facts about breast reduction surgery.

Five facts about breast reduction surgery

The facts of breast reduction surgery are as follows:

  • Relief from physical discomfort

Breast reduction surgery alleviates physical signs like neck, back and shoulder pain caused by breasts that are oversized. Skin irritation and numbness also significantly decrease post-surgery. 

  • More options for clothing

After undergoing the procedure of breast reduction surgery, individuals find that their clothing fits better, flattering their body shape. This aids in raising their self-confidence as well as personal style as now they can wear tight-fitting clothes as well without feeling embarrassed.

  • Improves physical activity

Individuals find engaging in exercise and physical activities much easier with lighter and smaller breasts. The best breast reduction surgeon in Kolkata helps women lead a healthier lifestyle and keep fit.

  • Correct asymmetry

This procedure can also help in correcting the shape and size of uneven breasts to create a more symmetrical and balanced appearance. 

  • Not just for females

Males may also opt for breast reduction surgery. An imbalance of hormones in males can cause their breasts to swell, known as gynecomastia. To feel comfortable in their own bodies, many males undergo breast reduction surgery, though they do not cause a strain on physical activities as they do regarding females.


In comparison to other procedures, breast reduction surgery receives the most thumbs up in regards to plastic surgery. Moreover, the results are long-lasting. If you have taken into consideration reducing the size of your breast then consult with a board-certified breast reduction surgeon in Kolkata for the same.


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